DiSC Method 

Synergy booster!

Everything DiSC methodology is ideal to facilitate better communication with the people around you and to create a motivating work environment by promoting self-awareness and understanding of human behavior. As a management tool par excellence, DiSC increases team performance and enhances their cohesion.

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William Marston noir et blanc

and the origins of the DiSC method

Who is the incredible William Moulton Marston?

William Moulton Marston is not so well known by name, but more for one of his creations, the comic book character Wonder Woman. Born in 1893 on the East Coast of the United States, Marston was not only an author, but also a psychologist, sociologist, researcher, professor, and the inventor of the lie detector. Discover the audacity of this genius who advanced research on behavioral patterns and the feminist movement.

Born into a modest family, his educational tenacity led to an extraordinary career. A brilliant student, he earned several degrees at Harvard, beginning with a law degree and ending with a doctorate in psychology. He began his professional life as a research scientist and professor.

Marston, his partners, and research

Marston and Dr. Elizabeth Holloway, his wife, conducted numerous social experiments to present a pioneering theory, the Social Cognitive Engineering Device. In this work they describe how certain feminine character traits enable people to be more effective and focused than their masculine countertypes.

Always encouraged by strong, assertive women, it is certainly through their influence that Marston found inspiration for his « Wonder Woman » comic book.

Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world.

Dr. William Moulton Marston

Tolerant people are the happiest, so why not get rid of the biases that hold you back?

Dr. William Moulton Marston

1928 – The Emotions of Normal People

Driven by his passion for research and his ability to analyze behavior, Marston wrote numerous books, particularly on the influence of emotions. In 1928, he published « Emotions of Normal People ». In this book, he explains how emotions lead to differences in behavior between groups of people and how a person’s behavior can change. His writing focuses on directly observable and measurable psychological phenomena. His research on their direct link with blood pressure allows him to detect variations in behavior. The method will greatly contribute to the invention of modern lie detectors and his research is the origin of the 4 personality profiles as we find them today in the DiSC model.

The Evolution of DiSC Profiles

1940 - Activity Vector Analysis

Marston’s work inspired many social scientists. Industrial psychologist Walter V. Clarke was the first to construct an assessment test based on Marston's theories. He published "Activity Vector Analysis", a tool based on the choice of adjectives and intended for the selection of personnel by companies.

1950 - First measurement of DiSC concepts - self-description instruments

A staff member at Walter Clarke Associates developed an assessment for John Cleaver that they called the "self-description”. This assessment started with a list of adjectives and turned into a forced-choice instrument. Factor analyses of the self-description provided considerable empirical support not only for the structure of his proposed model, but also for Clarke's earlier assertion that a DiSC-based instrument could be created.

1970 - First DiSC profile (PPS)

In the 1970s, John Geier used self-description to create the first ever Personal Profile System® (PPS). He founded the company behind Everything DiSC® called Performax. As such, we are the first publisher to come out with a DiSC profile. Geier's main contribution was to improve the understanding of the 15 basic patterns discovered by Clarke. Through abundant research and clinical interviews, the instrument has been refined over time.

2000 - Research on Circumplex Presentation

In the early 2000s, our researchers at Wiley began conducting experiments on ways to represent the DiSC with a circomplex model rather than a linear graphic model. This was the first time that a person's DiSC style was represented by a dot. From these studies and this theory, the Everything DiSC® report series as it exists today was born. Over the next few years, the Everything DiSC® Sales, Everything DiSC® Management, Everything DiSC Workplace®, Everything DiSC® Comparison Report, Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders, Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict, and most recently Everything DiSC® Agile EQ profiles have appeared.
How can we help you?

Unleash your potential!

As a people-reader decoding personality, the DiSC method acts as a catalyst. Based on the principle that powerful synergy is born from diversity and differences between individuals, DiSC empowers you to create authentic human connections and to engage in constructive interaction, both professionally and personally.

Eclaireur de votre quotidien - DiSC

Lighting up your life

Everything DiSC is the result of many years of research and is the most reliable psychometric tool for assessing certain behavioral patterns. With your DiSC assessment you will first understand your own preferences and behaviors and use these observations to develop and improve your impact at work. DiSC is an acronym for the four basic profiles Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. It integrates 12 styles at 3 levels, allowing for extremely detailed analysis. At the corporate level, where the need for productive interactions is great, DiSC facilitates valuing every stakeholder and stimulates collaborative performance.

Let’s explore the enlightening impact of DiSC and shed some light on its fundamental principles.

Discovering behavioral patterns

Is there an ideal profile type?

Have you ever wondered if there is an ideal profile for a particular job? The answer is no!

Generally speaking, there is no right or wrong profile for a position or to round out a team, just as there is no right or wrong response when you answer the questionnaire. It is important to emphasize that DiSC classification does not make any value judgments or categorizations.

Also, in a company or on a team, it is more interesting to have a diversified range of profiles because each one will bring particular strengths to the group. Additionally, a person may show a single behavioral style, or have a mixed profile.

Define your behavioral pattern and better communicate with those around you

If you have ever thought about your own behavioral style, you certainly get whether you express yourself in a spontaneous way or analyze the situation in detail before taking a stand.

To determine your profile affinity, we are going to position your behavioral comfort zone on a vertical « Action / Reflection » axis. You will be at the top if you are rapid action-oriented and at the bottom if you tend towards moderation.

In the same way, the horizontal axis distinguishes between focusing on a challenge or a relationship. Positioned more to the left, you will confront situations with wariness, even distrust. Positioned to the right, you worry less about circumstances, because you are firstly concerned about your counterparts. You clearly favor collaboration and support for others.

Taking into account the 2 axes, imagine where your 2 points join up: that will place your dot in one of the 4 quadrants: the D, the I, the S or the C.

Access the DiSC test / Take a DiSC test

Why does the current flow with some people and not with others?

Ask yourself: are there certain people with whom you are « on the same wavelength » and with whom relations and conversations are effortless?

On the other hand, are there people around you with whom communication is more difficult, especially when there are important professional issues, deadlines and pressure? Does the situation become electric and stressful because of these tensions?

The reason might well be link to your behavioral patterns and styles, maybe you don’t share the same priorities either.

Find out below how the DiSC method can help you communicate more smoothly with your manager and colleagues, and how to create a serene work atmosphere that is conducive to constructive exchange.

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Courant ne passe pas - DiSC

Understand your counterparts better and adapt your communication style

To interpret the results of an Everything DiSC assessment, you’ll take into consideration 4 aspects which are style, point position, nuances and priorities.

Style indicates your preference for D, I, S or C behavior or a mix, for example, an S style profile can be Si, SC or just S. This is why there are three styles for each profile – we are talking about 12 different styles.

Additionally, there can be style nuances. The color shading indicates a certain level of your comfort for each of the 12 styles.

Finally, the priorities refer to the motivations that drive each person: for example, someone with a C style will naturally find great motivation in precision, balance and challenge, but may have one or two other priorities.

Overview of styles and behavioral patterns

Discover at a glance their motivations and inclinations.

D Profile

Learn more about the dominance profile.

i Profile

Learn more about the influence profile.

C Profile

Learn more about the conscientiousness profile.

S Profile

Learn more about the steadiness profile.

How does the DiSC test work?

At the end of your training, you will be certified to use DiSC solutions. Designed to facilitate your work, you’ll have all the tools in hand to design your projects independently. Your secure and personal access to the EPIC platform will allow you to manage participants’ profiles and generate links to the questionnaire that participants will answer online. You decide which assessments best fit your needs, when to distribute the reports, and how to add your personal touch.

Idees DiSC

Be inspired by DiSC tools and resources

You will be inspired by the wide range of resources available to support your learning facilitation in companies. Discover our educational kits, games and guides. They might stimulate your creativity for your future projects! You will also find sample reports of all the Everything DiSC assessments. You’ll see for yourself how the DiSC method educates, motivates, and triggers better communication.

Idea Box

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ – An agile solution at your fingertips

As our work environments become more complex and uncertain, the success of organizations depends on agile human interaction. To stay agile, people need to develop and use their emotional intelligence skills.

So how do emotional intelligence and agility manifest themselves in the workplace? Let’s take a day in the life of Alicia, from the e-book Agility Unlocked by Everything DiSC (link*), as an example.

Alicia meets the CEO in the elevator and seizes the moment, charming him with a quick recap of her latest innovative idea and prompting him to take a look at the email she sent. « She’s dynamic, » he thinks, impressed.

Alicia stops by the marketing department before going to get coffee. She chats with several people about their project, shares a laugh, and invites one person to lunch to ask for their input, strengthening several relationships.

One of her teammates is discouraged as he prepares an acquisition proposal. She takes him aside, listens carefully to the arguments he puts forth, rephrases his concerns, validates his thought process and raises questions for him to consider. He feels better and gets back to work.

It’s time for the big monthly budget meeting, and Alicia is disappointed to learn that the new hire she had hoped for is not being retained. But she puts aside her frustration and considers the benefits of expanding another team. It could really boost revenue. The CFO thinks, wow, she’s a team player!

Her least favorite colleague drops by to ask her for a substantial data analysis job while Alicia is immersed in writing an urgent report. « I’ll wait, » the colleague says. Alicia resists the urge to roll her eyes, smiles and promises to deliver the numbers the next morning. Her office neighbor admires her composure.

A client calls, full of enthusiasm for a new idea he wants to incorporate into the plan Alicia is creating. Alicia listens to him and acknowledges his passion, but gently points out the ways the new idea would delay the plan. « Okay, » the client concedes with a laugh. « Thanks for reframing my ideas. »

Alicia presents her team with a new, more efficient process. As she feared, they don’t want to change the way they do things. She reminds them of the problems with the current process, making a compelling case for change. Reluctantly, they admit she is right.

Her boss calls and tells her she’ll have to spend the weekend working on the presentation for the company’s headquarters next week. « I’m sorry, but that won’t work, » Alicia tells him firmly. « I can do it early next week, and it will include everything you need. »

Nothing Alicia does in her day impacts those around her in any drastic way. But her behavior keeps her moving forward by skillfully juggling confidence, sociability, empathy, objectivity and the adaptability that organizations need today.

Like Alicia, you can use your soft-skills, and be better prepared for the unexpected. Experts say that everyone can develop the social and emotional skills needed for an agile workplace.

Want to know more about the Everything DiSC® Agile EQ method? Please contact us!

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