
D profile

i profile


Challenge, Results, Accuracy

Independence, personal achievement

Judges others by
Skills, common sense

Influences others by
High standards, determination

Bluntness, sarcastic or condescending attitude

Under pressure
Becomes extremely critical

Inability to meet standards

Would increase effectiveness through
Cordiality, diplomatic communication

Profil disc dominant consciencieux

DC style people prioritize challenge.

So they want to explore all options and make sure they use the best possible methods.

Therefore, they may ask a lot of questions and be skeptical. In addition, they also prioritize results, so they are often very direct and frank.

When they focus on the result, they may overlook the feelings of others.

Finally, DC-style people also prioritize accuracy. Since they want to master the quality of their work, they prefer to work independently and may seek to separate emotions from facts.


Results, Action, Challenge

Bottom-line results, victory

Judges others by
Ability to achieve results

Influences others by
Assertiveness, insistence, competition

Need to win, which creates win / lose situations

Under pressure
Gets impatient and becomes demanding

Being exploited, appearing weak

Would increase effectiveness through
Patience, empathy

disc dominant

D-style people tend to be strong-willed and prioritize results. Because they want to prove themselves, they are constantly on the lookout for new challenges and opportunities. In addition, they also prioritize action.

So, they aim to achieve their goals quickly and tenaciously.

Since they tend to be very fast paced, they like people to get straight to the point. In addition, D-style people also prioritize challenge.

Because they want to be in control of the results, they often ask questions and have an independent mind.


Action, Results, Enthusiasm

Fast action, new opportunities

Judges others by
Self-confidence, influence

Influences others by
Charm, acting boldly

Impatience, egotism and manipulation

Under pressure
Becomes aggressive, overpowers others

Loss of power

Would increase effectiveness through
Patience, humility, taking into account others’ ideas.

Profil consciencieux CS exemple DiSC

Di-style people prioritize action and they probably come across as adventurous and daring. Since they are easily bored, these people are usually looking for unique assignments and leadership positions. In addition, they also prioritize results.

So they often aim to achieve their goals quickly.

While they are gifted with a competitive spirit, they can also use charm to persuade others to help them succeed.

Finally, Di-style people also prioritize enthusiasm. They may come across as charming and funny people due to their high energy level. They probably use their excitement to motivate others and create a lively environment.

How to communicate

The D Style likes to get straight to the point, is blunt and direct in order to get things done, you shouldn’t try to seduce them to win them over, that will only frustrate them.

C profile

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